Call/Text: 407-777-2673
Call/Text: 407-777-2673
Studies have linked peptide therapy to various benefits to skin, muscles, metabolism, immunity, anti-aging and overall well-being. Peptides are amino acids that your body naturally produces. Amino acids are one of the building blocks of the protein used for movement and structure. Peptides are the shorter chains of amino acids. Many factors contribute to the lack of peptides that your body produces; compromising your well-being. Peptide therapy is a supplemental treatment that seeks to replenish low or missing peptides.
Factors contributing to decreased amino acids and peptides: age, health, diet, immune function.
There are so many types of peptides and they help with so many different issues: wound healing, injury recovery, immune system function, autoimmune conditions, weight loss, anti-aging, improves sexual function, improves sleep, decreases pain & inflammation, regulates hormones, addresses gut health & digestive issues, and improves athletic performance.
Peptide therapies can cost between $100-$500 per month. Treatment cycles can last as short as 1 month or long-term. Most peptides are not covered by insurance.
This is a naturally occurring peptide that causes a release of growth hormone (HGH) which can lead to numerous health benefits: improves muscle mass, decreases body fat, increases energy, increases bone mass, improves strength, increases libido, improves sleep quality, skin tone and overall well-being. Also in oral.
NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is required to transfer energy from foods to cells in the body, where it is used for growth and repair. It has very important anti-aging and anti-inflammatory benefits: improved mental clarity, better concentration, enhanced memory, stronger athletic performance, improves energy and reduces fatigue, improves sleep, effective DNA repair, decreases skin damage, contributes to weight loss, better heart health and immune function. Also in topical or oral.
ARA 290 is a peptide derived from tertiary structure of erythropoietin which promotes tissue repair and has anti-inflammatory effects. Very neuroprotective, promotes healing, protects tissue, alleviates pain, improves neuropathy, fights diabetes, improves immune function.
This is a combination peptide that combines CJC 1295 that helps with performance-enhancing capabilities and Ipamorelin which enhances performance but also cognition. It helps with increasing bone density & muscle mass, improves cardiovascular health, improves sex drive, recovery from injuries and burns fat.
Melanotan II (MT2) is a peptide that stimulates the melanocytes to induce skin tanning with less exposure to UV radiation, possible reduction with risk to melanoma, reduction in body fat, increases libido.
Works for both men and women to improve sexual function. It helps improve libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased sensitivity, pain with intercourse, inability to achieve orgasm, sexual-induced stress, performance anxiety.
DISP has been used for the treatment of poor sleep, pain conditions, stress-related symptoms, modulates adrenals & cortisol levels.
This is a cognitive enhancing peptide that is used to enhance plastic plasticity, promotes neurons, boosts cognitive function, improves memory retention, facilitates neural repair, reduces neuroinflammation and is neuroprotective.
This peptide stimulates your body's natural growth hormone production. The human growth hormone helps reduce fatty tissue. Tesamorelin also reduces triglycerides and enhances cognition.
This is a fat-burning peptide that has been used as a supplemental therapy for weight loss for decades. This peptide increases metabolism, burns fat and reduces the growth of new fat.
This is a natural immune-modulating peptide that helps with chronic and acute illness and immune system dysfunctions. It has anti-viral properties and it is also used to treat auto-immune diseases, allergies, arthritis, infections, inflammation and it proactively boosts the immune system. It has been widely used and studied in cancers, biotoxin treatment, CIRS, Hepatitis B and C, Lyme Disease, Epstein-Barr and other viral infections.
This is a natural immune-modulating peptide that helps enhance muscle hypertrophy, accelerates muscle recovery, improves muscle strength, increases endurance levels, reduces recovery time, enhances protein synthesis, promotes muscle regeneration, reduces muscle atrophy.
This is an amino acid that enhances mitochondrial function, reduces oxidative stress, improves energy production, stabilizes cardiolipin, mitigates heart failure, reduces kidney injury, prevents cellular damage and has neuroprotection potentials.
This is an amino acid peptide that enhances cognitive function, memory improvement, neuroprotection, anti-aging effects, stress reduction, mood stabilization, enhanced learning and cellular repair.
We have so many peptide resources; just ask!
Dawson Integrative Medical Center, LLC.
10244 E Colonial Drive, Suite204, Orlando, Florida 32817
Call or Text: 407-777-2673