Call/Text: 407-777-2673
Call/Text: 407-777-2673
We are proud to be Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and offer Alternative Medicine services, such as:
TCM is an ancient system of medicine used for thousands of years to prevent, diagnose and treat disease. It is based on the belief that the body's vital energy, called Qi (pronounced "chee"), flows along meridians in the body. These meridians keep a person's spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health in balance by promoting a constant flow of energy. However, if this flow gets blocked by natural opposing forces of "yin and yang" (like water getting stuck behind a dam), the disruption can lead to pain, lack of function, or illness. TCM aims to restore the body's balance and harmony between yin and yang by several different modalities of treatment. The most common is acupuncture. This is when thin needles are placed in specific acupuncture points along these blocked meridian; stimulating function, evoking the body's natural healing response, resolving pain, improving sleep, digestive function and sense of well-being.
We understand that this concept can seem confusing to many people, so we like to explain it like this: TCM is an ancient form of medicine that focuses on treating pain and disease by balancing out all aspects of your body as a whole. When there is an imbalance in one area, there will certainly be an imbalance in another (like a domino effect) and in order to treat it, you must correct the imbalance. TCM also puts great emphasis on mind, body and spirit and believes that you need to be in complete harmony for optimal health. Acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system. This in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals stimulate the body's natural healing abilities, increase blood flow, reduce pain and promote physical and emotional well-being.
Here's some examples! Have you ever stubbed your toe and literally felt nauseous? That weird connection between the toe and the stomach is a meridian! If a person has a cough or is short of breath, that's a Qi Deficiency affecting the lung meridian. Do you get colds easily and often? That is a weak immune system and could be a (Wei) Qi Deficiency.
There have been several scientific studies and evidence-based trials performed on acupuncture and while there are plenty of skeptics, the results have shown that results from acupuncture were effective or performed better than conventional treatments for: low back pain, neck pain, headaches/migraines, nausea caused by surgical anesthesia and cancer chemotherapy, dental pain after surgery, addiction, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and infertility.
We treat a variety of conditions with Acupuncture:
Please note that Dr. Christina limits her Acupuncture patients to Acute and Chronic Pain Patients only. If you are seeking acupuncture for any other reason, please schedule with her husband, Dr. Walter. Also, at this time, she is not accepting acupuncture appointments.
Always be sure you are receiving acupuncture from a Board Certified Acupuncture Physician with Traditional Chinese Medicine education. In order for your treatment to be effective, you want a practitioner that knows the theory behind Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine disposable needles into specific points, balancing the body to restore health. The improved energy and biochemical balance produced by acupuncture stimulates the body's natural healing abilities, reduces inflammation, and promotes physical and emotional well-being.
Acupuncture has neuromodulating effects, such as regulating the polarization of nerves, targeting specific receptors for the release of specific neuropeptides and regulating autonomic reflexes for improved organ and gland function and reduction in pain signals.
It is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.
Rest assured, acupuncture treatments and TCM modalities are performed by highly educated, trained, and experienced Board Certified Acupuncture Physicians. Unlike other providers that perform only dry needling or acupuncture after about 100 hours of basic training, our Acupuncture Physicians have over 3 years of theory based education and clinical training.
If you experience muscle pain, knots, spasm or tightness/tension that is interfering with sleep, work or normal activities, then you might want to consider Acupoint Injection or Trigger Point Injection Therapy (APIT).
This is a procedure used to treat painful areas of muscle or tendons that contain trigger points, or knots of muscle that form when muscles do not relax. Injecting small amounts of homeopathic medications or vitamins into these areas can help alleviate pain by allowing blood flow (and nerves) to freely circulate, by reducing or eliminating pain, and by increasing mobility and range of motion. We couple injection therapy with techniques to manually release these areas for further relief.
Some other benefits include the treatment of fatigue, mood swings, vitamin deficiencies, hormone deficiencies, and immune boosters.
To learn more about injection therapy, please click HERE.
Cupping is a therapy that complements an acupuncture treatment. Suction cups placed at various points on the body create a vacuum that draws toxins to the surface of the skin to be released. The effect of this is to encourage the flow of blood in the area beneath the cup. Cupping therapy removes local congestion and increases the blood circulation to painful areas. This will help promote relaxation and circulation and decrease pain and inflammation. Many people think of this as a "reverse deep tissue massage" and therefore fosters overall well-being. You may see some markings of the skin after cupping, but this is completely normal. Often times, the darker the area, indicates the amount of inflammation that was present. These markings will fade on their own over time (generally a few days). It is recommended that you avoid direct sunlight or cold wind blowing on the treatment areas for the best possible outcome.
Another type of acupuncture is called electrical stimulation, which can be utilized in different forms:
Electroacupuncture(EA) uses extremely gentle micro and/or millicurrents which send specific electrical messages through acupoints to communicate directly with the brain, resulting in profound physiological balancing. This is used by attaching a lead to an inserted needle that delivers stimulation to assist in pain relief, control, and relaxation.
Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy is a type of needle-free, hand-held TENS unit that is an FDA approved therapy. It combines the principles of acupuncture and neurology and is designed to treat chronic/acute pain and scars/adhesions. MPS works by applying concentrated microcurrent impulses to trigger, motor, and acupuncture points which provides quick, effective, and long-term pain relief.
TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) Unit sends electrical pulses through the skin. These pulses control pain signals in the body, creating temporary or permanent relief from pain. They can control abnormally excited nerves and release endorphins. The TENS unit is attached to the skin by sticky patches, called electrode patches.
Ultrasound therapy is the use of sound waves to treat medical problems, especially musculoskeletal problems like inflammation from injuries (sprains, tendinitis, bursitis). It has been a popular therapy for decades, By use of the probe over inflamed or painful areas, the sound waves offer amazing pain relief.
Chinese herbal medicine is based on an individualized pattern diagnosis. Your pattern is made up of your signs and symptoms, your emotional temperament, and the overall composition of your body. Herbal medicine is based on the promotion of health and does not limit its treatment to only one part of the body. Herbal formulas may include six to eighteen herbs, working synergistically together to treat the symptoms or disease, as well as your entire pattern. One of the most appealing qualities of Chinese herbal medicine is the low risk of adverse reaction or side effects, especially when compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
Please rest assured that any herbs or herbal formula that is prescribed, has been verified against your medical record for interactions, contraindications, or other risk factors. Our physicians are Board Certified Herbologists.
Supplements are products intended to supplement one's diet to provide nutrients.
Being deficient, insufficient, or not optimized in your daily nutrient (vitamins, minerals, etc) can cause an array of undesirable symptoms or disease. Alternatively, if you are taking supplements that are not needed or too much of a supplement, that can also cause undesirable symptoms or disease. We do not believe in taking supplements, just to take them.
If you are unsure where to start or what supplements are appropriate for you, please contact us.
Tui Na is a form of Chinese manipulative therapy often used in conjunction with acupuncture, cupping, and herbs. This ancient practice aims to release the flow of energy around the body. A lot of skillful techniques are used to bounce you back to good health, including kneading, rolling and deep pressure that's applied to precise points on your body. Additionally, gentle stretches and manipulations are extremely important for overall well-being and living a pain-free and relaxed life!
Gua Sha is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation. This is most often used to relieve muscle and joint pain. Conditions of the muscles and bones are known as musculoskeletal disorders. Some examples include back pain, tendon strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and plantar fasciitis. You may see some markings on the skin where Gha Sha was performed. This is called "sha." Often times, the darker the area, indicates the amount of inflammation that was present. These markings will fade on their own over time (generally a few days). It is recommended you avoid direct sunlight or cold wind blowing on the treatment areas for the best possible outcome.
Auricular Therapy, also called Auriculotherapy, is both a diagnostic and an integrative treatment procedure that is used for pain relief, PTSD, and the alleviation of a variety of addictions. The essential premise in Auricular Therapy is that there are a neurological reflexes and energetic correspondences between specific areas of the external ear, or auricle, and other parts of the body that are arranged in the pattern of an inverted fetus. Detection of selective ear reflex points can be determined by monitoring tenderness to applied pressure, by electrical measurement of lowered skin resistance, or by the physical observation of small regions of skin discoloration or skin protrusions. Treatment of these reactive ear reflex points can be achieved by tactile acupressure, by the insertion of acupuncture needles, or by transcutaneous electrical stimulation. Auricular Therapy is effectively utilized to reduce chronic pain and anxiety within a few minutes of treatment and can alleviate the aversive symptoms of opioid withdrawal or reduce the craving for opioid medications.
Are you ready to book your first appointment? Great. Here are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind to make your experience go as smoothly as possible:
Some other information you might want to know:
Dawson Integrative Medical Center, LLC.
10244 E Colonial Drive, Suite204, Orlando, Florida 32817
Call or Text: 407-777-2673